Friday, November 2, 2007

Court Date in Torez, Ukraine

We have a court date on Monday, November 5th at 10:30am. This is the court date for Eugen "Zhengna". We will hope for the 10-day waiting period to be waived which we know will require a Miracle . A. went to meet the judge today so that we knew what she required in documents and such. "We do not want any surprises", states the General. A. comments that the judge, a woman , is very nice and professional. This is her first adoption though in the city of Torez. Torez, unlike other larger cities, has just one orphanage and it happens to house only children ages 4-18 with special needs. It is making me concerned that they are going to bring in the media to broadcast their first adoption in this city. We are getting a clearer understanding of how really big of a deal this is. If you think our media representation is "over the top" (I am being G -rated with my adjectives) the programing here is totally inappropriate! So let's hope this courtdate is low key.